About me!

Hi! I am a first year PhD student at the University of Texas at Austin. I am advised by Dr. Swarat Chaudhuri in the Trustworthy & Intelligent Systems Lab. and am interested in neurosymbolic techniques for automated theorem proving and program synthesis.


While in undergrad, I conducted research with the Rutgers Automated Reasoning Lab, being advised by He Zhu. I worked on using differentiable programming for invariant synthesis for program verification. I have also participated in two NSF REUs. The first was remote, but through the College of William & Mary under the advisement of Charles R. Johnson, and working with Greyson Wesley and Zach Zhao. We studied some topics regarding eigenvalue assignment of certain graphs, and, among other things, proved several results for $k-$NIM trees, including characterization and enumeration. A paper was submitted for publication following our work that summer, and can be viewed here. The second was in person at San Diego State University, under the advisement of Chris O’Neill. We studied symmetric numerical semigroups, and more particularly properties of unimaximal faces of the Kunz Cone. We gave a characterization of the facets of these unimaximal faces and constructed some extremal examples of numerical semigroups on these faces.